Adesso On Air
Programma radiofonico in onda tutte le settimane su, il media universitario di Perugia e dell'Umbria. "SoundKit" è un cofanetto con tutti gli strumenti utili per conoscere, gustare il background della nuova musica emergente esplorando mondi musicali poco conosciuti. Inviaci materiale a
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Squadra Omega : ( ( ) Music from the third eye. It is said that all empires are built upon the ruins of previous empires. It is said that destruction breeds construction. In times of deadlocked aesthetics and stylistic stagnation the time is nigh for a destruction of the old and the construction of the new. From the rubble of a post-post modern world, Apollo is rising and he is accompanied by a tribe of psychedelic wasteland fellaheen – the Squadra Omega.